Being charged with a financial crime is scary, and you may not know where to turn. Your future is at stake, and you could be facing harsh penalties. You need help from a skilled criminal defence lawyer to defend your innocence and get the best possible outcome. If you have been accused of a financial crime, the team at Andrews LLP can help. We know how to defend your rights and protect your future.
If you're convicted of a financial crime in Saskatchewan, you could face fines, restitution payments, probation or jail time. Your reputation is likely to suffer as well. You will end up with a criminal record that could make it hard for you to find employment in your field and others, do volunteer work and travel outside of Canada. The good news is that there are many options available to you. We may be able to help you avoid jail time or get your penalties reduced.
You can trust the team at Andrews LLP to provide you with compassionate and professional legal representation throughout all stages of the legal process. Our criminal defence lawyers have years of experience defending clients facing charges for financial crimes such as fraud, identity theft, blackmail, embezzlement and money laundering. We understand how stressful it can be when charged with a financial crime, but we will do everything we can to ensure justice prevails in our client's case!